26 July 2009

Getting Referrals

Getting Referrals through Downlinerrefs. Which is the most powerful downliner Builder to get referrals for your online Business.

I am getting allot of referrrals through this programme. Following is the procedure to get referrals through this great program.

First of all earn some credits. You can earn credits from two ways.
1:- By Clicking Advertisements.
2:- By joining other members programms.

You can also buy credits, if you don,t want to earn.

Ok when you have some credits in your account, then you can make a requist for referrals. Just offer some credits in "Requist Referrals" area and then wait. If your offer will be attrictive for the other members then he will join your programme.

When some one will join your programm, then you have the following authorities.
1:- You can accept him as your referral, if he is active in your programme.
2:- If he is not active then you can decline him, and the remaining credits will be refund to your account.
3:- You can offer extra credits as a bonus to your referrals, if they are active in your programme.
Allot of more features are also available to you. Just join this Great Downliner Builder and make referrals as much as you can.

06 July 2009

Manage your Referrals

Your existence referrals are very valuable for you. If you get referrals, then manage your referrals in such way that he will never leave you.
Referrals deserve from you, so give some benefits to your referrals.Always keep intrection with your referrals. Send them messages and tell about the benefits if your program. Tell about the features of your program, if possible tell about the tricks and tips. Try to attract your referrals towards your program.
This is difficult job but very important job. Be careful about your referrals because this is the key to success.

28 June 2009

Get Referrals through Exchanging Links (Free Service)

Get Referrals through Exchanging Links
Link exchange is a very good way to get referrals. There are allot of places where you can exchange links with other members for getting referrals.
Link Exchange mean to exchange the link of your PTC with other members PTC link. For Example if you want to get referral for PalmBux, then you have to start a new thread in a forum about "I need Referral for PalmBux"
Any one who have not joined PalmBux yet, will replay to your thread and he or she will join your Plambux but in return he or she will provide link of his PTC site, that will for you to join.
You will join his PTC and he or she will join yours. In this way you both will get active referrals, because if any one(You or your referral) will not active, the other will also not active.
So you have to be active if you want that your referral become active in your PTC, and your referrals will also be active because he also need that you become active in his PTC.
There are allot of forums where you can exchange links with members. The most famous forum are
Allot of more are also available.
In all these forums there will be a section "Referral Exchange" or "Exchange Links here" or "Referrals Deals"
First of all register in these forums and then go to these sections and start your own thread for exchanging links.
Interested user will replay you and will join your PTC.
So enjoy making referrals.and keep visiting because i want to give you referrals. Just follow these steps and you will 100% get free referrals for any program. But still i prefer you to join Downlinerrefs for making referrals, because this is a very very good downliner builder to make referrals.
You can see more details about downlinerrefs here.

27 June 2009

How to Get Referrals through Downlineref

Downlinerref is the most powerful Downliner Builder to get referrals for any program. This is a real Downliner Builder, which is specially build for making Referrals in any program.
It has allot of features.

Make referrals
Buy Referrals
Buy Advertisements
Accept Active Referrals
Decline Bad Referrals
Offer to good referrals.

So how to get referrals through Downlinerrefs.
The Process is simple. First Earn some credits and then offer credits to the members. They will join your Program and will get credits.
Similarly they can then offer they same credits to other members to join his program.

So earn credits, offer credits and get referrals.
If you don't want to earn credits, you can also buy credits.
If you are looking to invest in your program, then buy referrals for your program.
If you get active referrals, give them excess credits, and if your referrals is not active, decline him.
So this is a very good Downiler Builder.
You must join this to get active referrals.

Here you can join this.

24 June 2009

Earn money From Ziddu

Ziddu is a great Pay Per Download program,which pay for downloading files.
Get Paid for Downloading your Files.
When any one will download your File,Picture or any other documents you will be paid $0.001

The Process is very simple, just register with ziddu and then upload files or softwares to your account.
Share the links of the these files in forums and blogs and then get paid for downloading your files.

10000 downloads will give you $10
20000 downloads will give you $20
30000 Downloads will give you $30
40000 Downloads will give you $40
50000 Downloads will give you $50
and so on..
You will be paid $0.001 per download.
There are allot of ways to place your files in such places where people will download your files.

Go to Mobile Softwares forums and then share uploaded files in forums.
Make your own blog or website and then place all of your files there, and increase traffic to your blog. In this way your files will be download by the peoples and you will get paid.

There is also Referral system.

Refer 100 members and get $10
Refer 200 members and get $20
Refer 300 members and get $30
Refer 400 members and get $40
Refer 500 members and get $50
and so on.......
You will be paid $0.10 for one referrals.

There are allot of ways to get referrals.
You can follow my previous articles to get referrals for ziddu.

19 June 2009

Get Referrals Through Target Refs

TargetRef is also a Downliner Builder just like Downlinerfs and Getref.
The same procedure also apply here.

First of all earn some credits or Buy some credits.
Then offer that credits to the members, if they will attract by your offer, they will join your program.

You can earn credits by joining other member's programs. Or if you want not to waste your time by joining others programs, then you can buy some credits and then offer credits to the members and they will join your program.
Downliner Builders are very easy way to get referrals for any program. The important thing is to have allot of credits in your hand.
If you have sufficient credits to offer, then getting referrals is not a difficult job.
The more credits, the more referrals.
Another advantage of Program refs is that you can also advertise your URL or Banner on your credits, this is also a very cheap source of Advertising.


18 June 2009

Get Referrals through Getref

In Previous Articles "How to Get Referrals "Getting Referrals" and "Get Referrals through APSens" i have talk about how to get referrals.
In this article i want to tell you about another Downliner Builder, through which you can get referrals.
The name of this Downliner Builder is "Getref"
Getref is a Downliner Builder through which you can get referrals for any Business. This is very good program, this is just like the previous one.
You can skip to the previous article and read about that Downliner builder.Skip HERE

Just Like that Downliner Builder, you have also to earn credits in this Downliner Builder.


Why do I want to Earn Credits?
You want to Earn Credits because once you get
Credits you can spend them to get other people to join your programs.

Do I have to Earn Credits?
No, you can buy them if you don't wish to earn them
this is a lot quicker and less hassle. Plus if you upgrade to a Gold membership
first you get a 20% discount on all credit purchases.
For more info on buying credits, click the Buy Credits link to the left.

How to earn credits by clicking links
Click the Earn menu button, then on the link in the center of the page
"Earn credits by clicking links." A long list will come up. When you
click on each link, the ad will open in a new window with a timer
at the top. When the timer expires, click on the CREDIT button.
Your account will increase by the amount shown in the middle column.

How to Earn by Joining Programs
Click the Earn menu button, then click the link on the left side of the page that says "Earn credits by joining programs."
Choose a program you would like to join, either from the list at the top “Top 7 Paying Programs to Join”
or from the list of program types below.
If you select the name of the program from the "Top 7 Programs" list you will go directly to that user's join page.
If you do not see a program you wish to join within the "Top 7 Programs" list, then choose a program from the list below.
On the next page, you will see a list of users who are promoting that program. Once you have decided the user you want
to join under, select the name of the program from the second column next to that user's name.
Read the page carefully, ONLY CLICK AGREE IF YOU ARE GOING to join the program.
If you do not join after pressing AGREE, you may get a negative earner's rating.
Even worse, by agreeing to join, and then not joining you are in violation of GetRef.com
Terms Of Service, and you could have your account closed.
If you are going to join, then click the AGREE button.


16 June 2009

Get Referrals through APSense

In my Previous articles "Getting Referrals" and "How to Get Referrals" i have explained some good ways through which you can get referrals.You can read these articles from Get Referrals Menu.
Now i want to tell you about another program, where you can get referrals for your any online Business.
This is a website which provides free advertisement of your Blogs, Websites and Referral Links.
This is a networking program, where you can make friends, Discussions and your own Business community.
You can also Create Your Own Business Blogs.
Create Your Own Business Center Website.
Create Your Own Business Discussions.
You will get allot of friends coming to your discussions and Business centers, you have just to convince them about your business, and then provide your referral link and get referrals.

You can also earn money from APSens
The bigger your private network is the more money you can make! When anyone from your entire private network accumulates their first $25 in their Apsense cash account you will get up to $5. When a user that you directly referred upgrades by Paying, you can get up to 50% cash commission, monthly residual income.

APSens helps your current business grow by enabling you to create contents for your business, at the same time, these contents can generate a lot of advertising money for you! Our unique ad network includes a profit sharing system that pays out up to 85%. When you or anyone in your private network's content pages display ads and generate a profit, we will pay you up to 50% of the profit generated! What makes Apsense even more unique is that we give you the ability to sell and manage your advertisements to your own advertisers which you will get 100% of the revenue!
will also send Paid Email to your Email Address, each email is worth $0.05 and minimum payout is $50 to PayPal and AlertPay

Just Go HERE and Register with APSens and Start making Referrals with Money

Keep visiting, because allot of more programs for getting referrals are available for you.

12 June 2009

Getting referrals

In my previews post "How To Get Referrals" i told about a downliner builder through which you can get active referrals for your online business.
In this post i want to tell you that getting referrals is the most difficult thing in online business. You have to surf allot of time to make referrals. The 2 ways which i found to helpful for getting referrals are taking part in forums.
Forums are the most effective way to get referrals. Talk with your friends, explain your business with them, convince them, attract them to join your business. Providing some proofs and guidelines will also helpful to get active referrals.
Most people are interested in joining a program, but they don't know about the procedure, so first thing should be to provide brief explanation of your program. So that he can easily understant and join your program.

An other way which i found is Bukisa
Buskisa is a program, which pay for posting articles. You have to write a article about your program and then publish with tags.
Tags are the keywords, which can be found in the search engines.
The good thing is that when any one will view your article, you will be paid. Yes 1000 veiws will gave you $4.
You can also place the URL of your articles in your Blog or website. Driving traffic to your article will gave you 2 benefits.
1:- You will be get paid.
2:- You will get referrals for your program.
3:- You can also get 35% from your referrals at Bukisa.
So what are you waiting for. Click HERE and register and then post articles.
This is what Bukisa can help in getting referrals. In my next post i am going to tell you another program, through which you can get referrals for your business.
Keep visiting, you will find allot here.

22 May 2009

What is a Referral and how to get referrals

Welcome to the getting referrals world.
Here you will learn some Techniques related to the referrals,like what is a referral and how to get referrals.Specially active referrals and so on.....................
My first topic is that what is a referral and how to get referrals.

Getting active referrals is now very easy. There are a lot of ways through which you can get active referrals. So now there is no need to ask from any one that how to get referrals.
Here are some important ways for you to make active referral.
First Way is Downliner Builder
Referrals are those people who will earn for you.These are the common people, just like me and you.
When you take part in a Business program.I mean that when you register in any online Business website,they provide you a link.Which contain your user name in the end. e.g
www.your-business.com/user name
Just like this.
Every earning programs provide a Referral Link.
So you have to save that link in your computer and then provide this link to your friends.
When your friend will join under your referral link, he or she will become your referral.
And then whatever he or she will earn from that program you will also get some % earning.
It means that if he earn $100 per day, then you will get 50% of $100 that is $50. So in this way you will earn allot of money from any site, if you make allot of referrals in that business.
But the main problem is that how to get active referrals.
Don't worry i have solution for this. I want to share you a Downliner Builder through which you can get Active referrals.
Downliner Builder:- Downliner Builder are those programs, where you can make referrals for your programs, like PTC, PTR, PTS,MLM etc.............

Here i want to share with you a strong Downliner Builder through which you can make Active Referrals.
Bellow is the Detail about this Downliner Builder

Join This Downline Builder Program which is totally different from other and then Make Active referrals.

Here you have 3 options.

1:- Earn Credits by joining others programs.

and then offer that credits to other members.They will join your programm and will make a contract with them for some days.
For example you offer 120 credits for 30 days.Then if a member accept your offer,then these 120 credits will distributed on 30 days.
It means that every day you referral will get 4 credits,so if you notice that your referral is not active in your program.Then you can terminate the contract and then make another offer.
So similarly offer credits,accept users.If they are active, give them extra credits.If he or she is not active, terminate the contract.
When you terminate the contract, then all the remaining credits will be refund to your account.

2:- You can also earn credits by clicking on ads.


3:- If you want to buy credits, then you can buy 800 credits from $5
1000 credits for $7 and 2000 credits for $10.
And then offer these credits for any PTC to the members.

1:- You offer any amount of credits for any amount of days. e.g
You can offer 50 credits for 50 days.
You can offer 50 credits for 3 days,
Or you can offer 1000 credits for 3 days.
It is totally defend on you.
But every one want to offer low credits for maximum days.There is also other members who has also offered credits for the same program for which you has offered.There for your offer must be better then your competitors.
If your competitor has offered 100 credits for 60 days, then you must offer 100 credits for 50 days or 80 credits for 50 days. so that you can attract the members and they join your program.

2:- You can cancel your contract at any stage.
The credits are given to the members randomly, that is that the credits is divide in to the number of contract days.
If you Offer 100 credits for 50 days, then your referral will receive 1 credits every day.If he or she will not active, then you can terminate your contract, and the remaining credits will be refund to your account.

3:- You can also advertise your banner or Link. Prices are very low , that is that the members will get 0.10 per click.
So it means that you can advertise your Link for 100 credits Divide by 0.10 = 1,000 clicks. Or you can advertise your Link for 200 credits, that is 2,000 clicks. And so on.. This is very low price for advertising your Link to the whole Downlinerfs community.

4:- If you buy Premium member ship then you can get the following benefits.
(a) your offer will be shown at the top of the page.
(b) When you purchase credits, you get 25% extra credits.
(c) You will also get 10% discount, that is if you offer 100 credits, you will be charge only 90 credits.
(d) All Unrefereed members will be distribute among all the Premium members.

6 month Premium Member ship = $4
1 Year Premium Members ship = $5

Click on the Banner to join this Greate Downlinerefs for Free and make Active referrals.

This is a great Downline Builder.
when you create a account in this Downliner Builder then visite my blog and see that which PTC site is Trusted and which is not.
Invest your Earnings only in these PTC.
Visite HERE and Choos your PTC sites.

2nd Way is Posting in Forums
The next thing is to post your referral links in GPT forums. Where there is 50,50 chance that you will get active referrals. Because it is depend upon the mood of the visitor, whether to join or not.
But you can get active referral for your PTC,PTR etc.... Just Post your Referral Links in appropriate forum with details and then keep active your thread.
Your Thread will be shown on the Top of the forum, if some one post comment on your Thread.
The most famous GPT Forums are these

1:- Cash Talk
2:- Money Maker Group
3:- Mtalk Pro
4:- Earn Money Space

Post your referral link in all these forum, if possible then find other GPT forums and post your referrals links there.

3rd Way is Exchanging your Referral Links with other members.
This is also a very good way to get active referral for your PTC.
When you join the above forums, then make deals with other members.
They will join your PTC site in exchange of joining his PTC site.
This is a very good way, because he will click for you and you will click for him.
In this way both will get active referrals.
Now there is no need to ask again that how to get referrals.
You have learned it, now start making active referrals and enjoy your earnings.
Keep visiting my blog. There will be allot of good and important information for you.

21 May 2009

What is Rent Referral and How to Rent Referrals.

As i have explained that what is referral and how can we get active referrals.
So now i want to tell you that what is rent referrals and how to rent referrals.
As the name indicate that rent means renting any thing, so here in any PTC site you can rent referrals and they will earn money for you.
Different PTC offer different rates for renting referrals.
Like NeoBux offer $0.33 for renting one referral for 30 days.
When you will rent 1 referrals, it will be your's for 30 days. If he or she will click or not, he or she is yours for 30 days.

Techniques for Renting Referrals

1:- Always rent referrals in trusted PTC sits like NeoBux, Bux.gs, and PalmBux etc.......
I have a List of trusted PTC site, where you can choose your PTC and then rent referrals in that PTC. Here is The List

2:- Always watch your rented referrals, that which one is clicking daily and which one is not clicking. If a referral is not clicking for 5 days, or he or she has just clicked 4 or 5 ads in 5 days then recycle that referral.
Recycle:- Recycling mean that if your rented referral is not clicking then you can replace that referral with another.Which will cost you $0.008 in NeoBux.
3:- Rent allot of referrals,if you want to earn some good money. If you rent 5 referrals, then there is the chance of loss. If you rent 100 referrals then there will be allot of profit for you.
In 5 rented referrals, if 1 referral is not clicking on ads, then you are going in loss, but if you have rented 100 referrals and if in these 100 referrals 10 referrals or not clicking on ads, then you have still making profit.

4:- Don't miss to click on ads daily. You must click every day if you want to recive earnings from your referrals. If you will not click today, you will not get earnings from your referral tomorrow.

19 May 2009


If you want to Exchang Link with my Blog, simply follow the following steps.
Add my Blog URL with the Title of "Get referrals for your Online Business.
And then Provide us the URL where you add the Link.

Your URL will be then added to this Page

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28 February 2009

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Getting ReferralsGet Referrals Get Referrals

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